It is generally recognised that Australia has a recycling and waste problem. Australia generates more waste per person than the average developed country, and also recycles less than average. Up until recently, Australia was sending much of its recyclable products overseas, with China being a major destination. However, with the updated National Waste Policy 2018, there has been a shift to a circular economy that outlines roles and responsibilities for collective actions by businesses, governments, communities, and individuals. The policy emphasised the need to increase the use of recycled content by the federal and state governments and industries in Australia. A Circular Economy model not only requires strict waste recycling techniques but also supports the development of new industries and jobs and the efficient use of natural resources, including waste , water, and energy.
With renewed interest in recycling and the circular economy, businesses, councils, and residences in Australia have been looking for professional services providers who can manage their waste service requirements in a safe and compliant way. Solo Resource Recovery is one such waste management company that have been providing services for councils, businesses, and residences for over 80 years, using state-of-the-art waste collection, disposal, processing and management technologies, with a focus on reuse, recycling, and minimal impact on the environment.
As part of our comprehensive council waste solutions, Solo Resource Recovery also provides facility waste management services, with multiple council waste options to reduce the cost of waste and hard rubbish collection and disposal while improving overall operational efficiency. Council waste management services offered by Solo Resource Recovery include the management and operation of materials recovery facilities (MRFs), transfer stations, liquid waste treatment plants, organic processing facilities, and more.
All council waste is safely managed, in accordance with EPA guidelines. Our operators sort salvageable goods, glass, plastic, and metal from inbound council waste streams for recycling, while bulk haulage trucks efficiently transport residual council waste to other facilities for beneficial reuse or landfills.
Solo utilises a cutting-edge Vehicle Management System with reliable and informative GPS tracking systems, contaminated waste tracking, and photos for compliance or reporting purposes. All council waste, council hard rubbish and council waste disposal data is collected, validated, and managed by Solo Resource Recovery to the council’s specific requirements.
Solo operates all contracts under its accredited Integrated Quality, Safety and Environment Management System, which is certified to the Quality Standard AS/NZS ISO 9001:2005, Environment Management Systems Standard ISO 14001:2015, and Safety Standard ISO 45001:2018. Councils can be certain that the council waste disposal services offered by Solo Resource Recovery are delivered to the highest standards, maintaining the safety of council employees, the public and the environment.
Increasing resource recovery rates
All trucks operated by Solo Resource Recovery are designed to comply with a rigorous maintenance schedule. Solo employs safe work practices, and its certified management system ensures that all staff and contractors are appropriately trained for their specific roles. Solo has provision for machinery, staff and site development and improvement to increase council resource recovery rates. Solo also conducts research to incorporate new and improved processing methods at its resource recovery facilities. Solo Resource Recovery works with Councils to ensure that regulatory-compliant council waste disposal goals are met in a cost-effective manner.
Waste management solutions for Council, businesses, and residences
All statistical data is transferred from the collection vehicle to the cloud in real-time. This enables the operators of Solo Resource Recovery to efficiently identify and flag waste collection issues such as recycling contamination. Council officers can also view reports, operational data, and resident customer service information.
Additionally, Solo Resource Recovery provides a comprehensive range of business waste management solutions including business recycling services, waste and recycling equipment, commercial waste collection and liquid waste services.
Published: October 1, 2024
Published: August 15, 2024
Published: December 15, 2023